Haggai’s Reminder on Misplaced Priorities

As I was reading the bible, I was reminded in the book of prophet Haggai about ‘misplaced priorities’.

I could somehow reflect with how my life has been for several years, specially the times when I didn’t become a christian yet.

Like the Israelites during the time of Haggai, they are so busy putting up their own fine houses that they forgot to rebuild the temple of the Lord which was ruined by the past assyrian attacks.

Looking back those times, I am so thankful and grateful unto the Lord because at times when He wasn’t my priority, He understands and patiently waiting for me (His lost daughter) who was busy chasing the world that never satisfies.

Now that I am already a vet (which I am always thankful for to the Lord) I could relate that I was so busy improving, earning and learning my career plus the pressures from work and with the kind of attitude required with work that I sometimes neglect to have a deeper conversation with the Lord.

This put me into perspective that I should always put the Lord as my number one priority and everything else that I wanted to do in life will turn out right.

To set things on who comes first and what weighs more. It’s realigning things into correct order.

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